


各位好: 本人打算先影婚紗相然後才註冊 , 但本人及朋友缺乏這類知識, 所以希望各位幫忙。 我想問大約$5000可唔可以影到外景婚紗相 ?? ( 當然在香港,不用外遊) 有咩手續 and 程序 ga?? (例如 先付款定係搞掂晒一次過比) 有無好介紹?? ( 又平又靚) 會唔會有其他額外收費搵笨之類o既經歷可以分享 ? 仲有..係咪通常一日內就可以搞掂晒架? 完全唔知個情況係點...可唔可以教下我


$5000影外景婚紗相梗係唔得啦, 就算係大陸都唔得ar....我朋友5月要去澳門影外景婚紗相$8888, 大陸都差唔多價錢. 要有質素就相對比多d錢ga la. 一世人一次, $5000你都唔敢影啦~而且通常d影樓都會幫你影好多, 你到時又想要呢張, 又想要果張, 愈要愈多, 分分鐘唔止呢個價. 有關結婚ge問題,可以去生活易網路睇下. 果度有好多新人post d相上去ga.... http://wedding.esdlife.com/home/chi/default.asp



敝人為專業攝影師,近兩年從事婚紗攝影工作,專接婚妙店介紹的項目,可以分享一下經驗。 以$5,000元計,單是攝影是沒有問題的。但若加上化粧、新娘婚紗、新郎禮服、頭飾、鞋...我怕是不足夠的。 以最便宜的金都為例,我想平均約$6,000吧。 額外收費的話,找大型連銷店要特別注意,尤其轉婚紗、轉化粧、加頭飾。 以一般攝影套餐為例,最好問清楚包多少張相片,要指定電腦加工後的,不是原片,因為 原片沒經電腦修飾,效果會較遜色。 大部份情況下,若加相也需要額外費用。例如金都某套餐為例,$5,888包22張相片,若你選中30張,當然要加錢了。 至於相薄加UV啊,細相薄轉大相薄,油畫轉相架...等,都有機會加錢。要注意啊! 連鎖店的好處是,設備較齊全,服務較週到。 至於找獨立攝師師,主要是因為較細心,拍攝時會多與客戶交流,但求拍出真摯感情。 要看你自己的要求了。 有空不妨看看敝人的作品: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/edwardlam12000 祝 生婚愉快!|||||結婚拍照我就無計, 結婚回禮小禮物我就有好介紹, 想唔想要, 請留email|||||Generally, it need nearly half year to complete the whole processes of taking welding photos (from booking, photo taking, photo selection, photo development etc.) So it would be done before your registation. General local package would not include outdoor photos taking. But still some agent can arrange this for you. $5000 may not enough for this. For a general package, it shall cost this price but still you need to negoriate with the shop as all the coating, additional file, additional photos would cost a lot. Normally it end up around $10000. When you are making the booking, ensure all the singal details must listed in the invoice or receipt (like a contract). The Photo Album is with Coating (also shall state what kind of coatings) and how many file or photos included. Meanwhile, does it include the bridge's coats and the man's wears? Hair Setting and Make Up (for both or only for the bridge)? Any flowal includes? Any jewallery accessory etc? Any raining day arrangement? In general, the photos taking shall be around one days. (in-door and outdoor) A van shall be rent but it would be up to the final arrangement. The cost may not included in the package. You may go to the welding exhibition for see the booths for more details?5AEEC82B53E1B405

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