
F4 Chem ( polyatomic ion )





What is a polyatomic ion? Why a nitrate ion is a polyatomic ion but a copper ( II ) ion, an oxide ion and a sulphide ion are not polyatomic ions?


Polyatomic ion is the an ion which is formed by a group of ions. For example, NO3-,nitrate ion, it consists of nitrogen atom and oxygen atom,so it consists of different kinds of atom, so it is a polyatomic ion. However, Cu2+, copper (II) ion only consists of copper atom, so it is not a polyatomic ion. O2-m, Oxide ion is not a polyatomic because it just consists of oxygen ion S2-, Sulphide ion is the same case as oxide ion, it just consists of sulphur atom.


Polyatomic ion is an ion that consist of more than one elements. Nitrate ion(NO3[-]) is a polyatomic ion because it consist of nitrogen and oxygen. A copper ( II ) ion (Cu[2+]), an oxide ion (O[2-]) and a sulphide ion (S[2-]) are not polyatomic ions because it only consist of one element. More example of polyatomic ion: Permangnate ion (MnO4[-]) Dicromate ion (Cr2O7[2-]) Sulphate ion (SO4[2-]) 2009-12-20 15:18:20 補充: Sorry! There is some typing mistake: 「Polyatomic ion is an ion that consist of more than one elements」is wrong 「Polyatomic ion is an ion that consist of more than one ATOMS」is right

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