Outbound Logistics
我想問下乜野叫Outbound Logistics 我正係度做緊一份project關於Starbucks 的Outbound Logistics 更新: 我唔要小學5年級既答案
Outbound = Export, Inbound = Import Logistics = 物流
Outbound logistics are the 2nd stage of a value chain after product is made; the activities required to get the finished products—Starbucks’ foods and beverages to customers, including order fulfillment-order taking , ffood cooking & making, freezing and storing at shops, and distributing, retailing and marketing. The great brand, Starbucks has very big sales revenues in the global market that could make Starbucks taking great advantages from its business partners, because Starbucks doesn’t need to invest big money for each regional production to tapping each proximity markets, but it can share the big part of profit rather than its partners— regional franchisees and commodity suppliers. Notably its business partners don’t have much bargaining power to Starbucks. The business partners are just those suppliers of commodities like sugar, water, coffee bean . Its main expenditure could be the pay on shop rent in first class office areas and sales staff only Starbucks can maintain its brand values, revenues, and competitive edges by use of outbound logistic to CONTROL its business partners. There is really nothing to do at inbound logistics or there just a small value can be created, when the commodities are easily to be acquired and technology of production is not high. Starbucks just needs regional franchisees to bear its risk for each market in case of failure, and following what the standard recipe, processes and operation methods have been established by Starbucks. Outbound logistics needs to move close to the marketplace for the concerns as follow; although the cost on rent is very high but it is justified: 1. The premium and quality food & beverage positioning to target the middle class and the segment of executives working at the first class office buildings and shoppers at prominent malls with affordable price levels with high responsiveness of service, soft lightings, comfort decorated sitting places for chatting friends, reading newspapers or magazines—that are so called the third place pleasure in delighting customers. 2. Quantity demand is moderate that could not realize economies of scales but numerous small shops scattering over those major and populated office areas for substantial market covering and high number of customer targeting. 3. Keeping products fresh, and transportation cost could be saved because the shops are located high proximity to customers. 4. High customers’ eye catching for better brand management and maintain loyal customers 5. Small adaptation of food & beverage products can suit for regional needs and different culture. 2006-12-02 18:47:16 補充: It's a wrong answer! mustn't adopt, see M. Porter's Value ChainCAAD3F79AE16AF09